Savor the Harmony
Anavo Farm’s exists to bring a beautiful solution to reverse climate change and help end farm animal suffering.
What solution is that?
It’s something called “regenerative agriculture” - and it’s as old as the day is long. It’s farming the way nature intended.
“Advocating for healthier, more localized farm systems [...] guests walk away with a deeper appreciation of small farm life and ethical meat production.”
As featured in
What We Do
Located in California’s Central Coast wine country, Anavo offers an incredible opportunity to feel, taste, and fully experience the harmony of working with nature, instead of against it.
We are ‘walking the talk’ here on the 6-acre farm, creating compost for the fields so that the soil can once again capture carbon . . . and grow better crops for us, the people, and the 35 animals on this land.
We invite you to experience it all, both in person and online, and discover simple ways to be part of this exciting solution to climate change, food security, and farm animal welfare.
What People are Saying
The Power of Numbers
Even if you can’t visit us here at the farm, we are growing our reach and impact every day.
As an Anavo subscriber or member, you will receive the latest -n- greatest options for supporting “regeneration” – no matter where you live.
We also partner with the organizations doing great work to amplify their work; organizations like Kiss the Ground, Species Unite, and The Tribal Trust.
“The power that makes grass grow, fruit ripen, and guides the bird in flight is in us all.”
Anzia Yezierska